323-homes at giant Clapham Park scheme move to construction
Housing association Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing has agreed multiple deals with Vistry to pave the way to build 323 homes at the £1.2bn Clapham Park regeneration scheme in South London.
The JV has secured the land from MTVH allowing construction to begin on Phase 3 of the major estate rebuild.
It also signed an agreement for the forward sale of 128 affordable homes to the association and 122 homes to Thriving Investments, the socially conscious fund manager, and Gresham House, the specialist alternative fund manager.
Supported by a grant from the Greater London Authority, all 122 homes will be for shared ownership – meaning that 77% of the phase will be affordable homes, with the remaining 73 homes available for open market sale through Countryside Homes.
The first affordable homes on the phase are expected to be handed over in 2026.
Around 520 new homes in the earlier phases are due to be completed throughout 2025 and 2026, marking good progress on delivering the 2,500 home masterplan.
There will also be a community centre, a market square, two parks, commercial and retail space, and an air source heat pump district heating system. The homes will be built to high sustainability standards, and residents will benefit from extensive cycle parking, electric vehicle charging points and public realm enhancements.
Daniel King, Divisional Chair for London at Vistry Group, said: “The partnership with Gresham House and Thriving Investments allows us to increase the amount of affordable housing we are delivering at our regeneration of Clapham Park with MTVH.
With the land drawdown and affordable housing agreement also completed, these deals pave the way for the start of construction on the next phase at Clapham Park, which will build on the success of the regeneration’s first phase where 520 new homes will shortly be delivered.”