Industry accreditation specialist Veriforce CHAS is pushing for mental health assessments of contractors to become part of the prequalification process.
The firm has launched its first Mental Health & Wellbeing Question Set as a voluntary module within its core Veriforce CHAS assessments.
Managing director Ian McKinnon said: “We hope that this heralds a new era where mental health and wellbeing are prioritised alongside traditional safety measures and mental health and wellbeing assessment becomes a standard element of the prequalification process.
“At Veriforce CHAS, we have a long history of setting compliance benchmarks and raising health and safety standards and the launch of the Veriforce CHAS Mental Health & Wellbeing Question Set is an important milestone in this journey.”
The firm added: “Buying clients seeking contractors who prioritise mental health and wellbeing will now have access to this vital information through the Veriforce CHAS Client Portal.
“This transparency empowers organisations to make informed decisions aligned with their values and objectives, thereby driving positive change throughout the industry.”