Family-owned firm posts best results for 133 years
Family-owned construction firm Beard has enjoyed the most successful trading period in its 133-year history.
Latest results for the year to 31 December 2024 show turnover up to £198m from £179m last time as pre-tax profit ticked-up to £5.2m from £4.3m
The strong performance was underpinned by the completion of 43 projects from its offices in Bristol, Guildford, Oxford, Southampton and Swindon.
Beard’s newest office in Southampton, which opened in January 2024, successfully achieved its initial targets by turning over £4.8million.
Finance director, Fraser Johns, said: “Having laid the foundations in 2023, we worked hard to continue this momentum into 2024 and are pleased to once again to report strong results.
“We’ve delivered projects for our customers across all our specialist sectors, including education, leisure and commercial. It was also an outstanding year for our special projects teams.
“While it’s been a more favourable trading environment from that of recent years, a continued focus on the basics of building construction has been a key driver.
“We start 2025 with a healthy pipeline of work, supporting our ambitions for further business improvement and growth.”
Fraser added: “This wouldn’t have been possible without our skilled and supportive supply chain who help us to deliver prompt and faultless work for our customers, and our project partners, who trust us with their visions.
“A huge thank you must also go to all our Beard colleagues who are dedicated to delivering the very best on every project, as well as continually developing themselves and staying true to Beard’s values. It’s a collective success for us all.”