Construction company fined after worker fell from church steeple in Birmingham
A specialist construction company has been fined £60,000 after a worker fell… A specialist construction company has been…
A specialist construction company has been fined £60,000 after a worker fell… A specialist construction company has been…
In 2023/24, the construction industry had nearly one fatality a week (51 fatal injuries) In 2023/24, the construction…
The construction industry remains one of the sectors in Sweden where fatal workplace accidents are most common.As of…
Joint efforts by the OHSA and the BCA yielded positive results Joint efforts by the OHSA and the…
This briefing discusses building regulations and standards for building safety as well as the government’s response to the…
Potential solutions, such as paid sick leave, have drawn pushback from the industry as it… Potential solutions, such…
Worker’s sister calls fine ‘a slap on the wrist’ Worker’s sister calls fine ‘a slap on the wrist’