Tilbury Douglas site manager saves schoolboy’s life

A quick-thinking Tilbury Douglas site manager saved the life of a collapsed schoolboy after scooping him up and running to the emergency department of a hospital he had helped build.

Ten-year-old Brooklyn Alwill Foster had gone into a diabetic emergency after becoming unwell a few days’ previously.

His family had no idea that he had developed diabetes and took him to Walsall Manor Hospital.

As they were walking into the hospital Brooklyn collapsed and site manager Adam Bednall sprung into action.

He picked-up the boy and sprinted to the resuscitation unit saving vital seconds because he knew the centre well having been part of the team that delivered it.

Bednall said: “I didn’t stop to think too much as I could see Brooklyn’s eyes were dilated and I was just talking to him as I ran because I knew it was serious.

“I knew where to go which was another bit of luck as no time was wasted going to reception and waiting. I don’t see myself as a hero – I’m just glad Brooklyn is on the mend and wish the family all the best.”

Brooklyn’s mum Sophie Foster, 31, said: “He just wasn’t himself and while we initially thought it was a tummy bug he suddenly took a turn for the worse and I knew in my gut something was just not right.

“My sister took us and we parked at the front of the hospital. He collapsed as we walked to the Emergency Department so I was trying to get a wheelchair when a construction worker came out of a nearby hut, picked him up and just ran all the way into resus.

“If Adam hadn’t been there, it could have been a very different ending because we now know that Brooklyn very nearly died that day.”

Brooklyn and his parents were able to say thank you in person when Adam popped to the Children’s Ward to check on his recovery.

Steve Cornforth, Lead Resuscitation Officer at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “I don’t usually believe in fate but the events of that day have changed my mind. Adam made the difference between life and death with around 30 seconds to spare.

“Yes, the medical team acted to help Brooklyn in an efficient and effective way but he was in ketoacidosis when he collapsed and Adam got him to where he absolutely needed to be as quickly as possible.”


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