Former civic centre Poets’ Corner site kicks off housing partnership
Water has submitted plans for the first of three major housing developments it will deliver in partnership with London’s Harrow Council.
The first scheme will see Wates Residential redevelop the former council civic centre with more than 1,000 homes built over a 10-year period.
A hybrid planning application for the Poets’ Corner scheme has been lodged, including detailed proposals for phase one consisting of around 530 new build-to-rent homes spread over blocks rising from 5 to 12 storeys.
The remaining homes will be delivered over two subsequent phases at a total construction cost of around £360m
After viability tests, the whole scheme will deliver around 13% affordable homes.
Wates aims to start construction in 2026 with phase 2 and 3 following later.
The two other sites in the new Harrow Strategic Development Partnership will focus on Peel Road, off Wealdstone High Street and Byron Quarter, next to Byron Park and including the site of an old driving test centre.
Taken together Wates will build 1,500 new homes in a £690m regeneration programme over 10 years.